Grafted Plumeria vs Rooted Plumeria: Which is Better?

Grafted Plumeria vs Rooted Plumeria: Which is Better?

When it comes to plumeria plants, there are two common methods of propagation: grafting and rooting. Here’s a comparison between grafted plumeria and rooted plumeria: Grafted Plumeria: Grafted plumeria refers to a plant that has been created by joining the stem (scion) of one plumeria variety onto the rootstock (understock) of another plumeria plant. The…

Is Plumeria Plant Invasive?

Is Plumeria Plant Invasive?

No, plumeria (Plumeria spp.) is not considered invasive in most regions. Plumeria plants are native to tropical and subtropical regions, primarily in countries like Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. They have been widely cultivated and admired for their beautiful flowers and fragrance. In areas where plumeria is not native, it is typically grown as…

What Is Plumeria Rust Fungus and How To Treat It?

What Is Plumeria Rust Fungus and How To Treat It?

Plumeria rust fungus, scientifically known as Coleosporium plumeriae, is a common fungal disease that affects plumeria trees (Frangipani). It primarily manifests as rusty orange or yellowish-brown powdery spots or pustules on the undersides of the leaves. Over time, these spots can spread to the upper leaf surfaces and cause defoliation and tree weakening. Plumeria rust…

Black Tip on Plumeria: Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

Black Tip on Plumeria: Causes, Treatment, & Prevention

Black tip is a common problem that plagues plumeria plants, causing the tips of the leaves to turn black or dark brown. This condition, also known as plumeria leaf spot, can be caused by various factors, including environmental conditions, fungal infections, or cultural practices. Understanding the causes, implementing proper treatment methods, and adopting preventive measures…